Wednesday 12 August 2015

The Netflix Tag

Hi Guys,

I'm currently a tad addicted to Netflix and I remember seeing this tag a while ago and telling myself I need to watch more Netflix! I'm going to admit I'm cheating just a little as I haven't actually been tagged to do this, sorry! But it looked like great fun and I thought what better way to tell the world I'm a new found Netflix addict!
1. What are your favourite series' to watch on Netflix?
I think my favourite series that I've actually completed is DareDevil, I'm a huge comic book fan and I cannot wait for the next series of this. It's even better because its a Netflix exclusive so it means I can binge watch it all in one go! I also love watching Gossip Girl, which I still haven't finished but I need to catch up so badly! I need my Chuck fix!

2. What are you currently watching on Netflix?
I'm currently watching series one of Pretty Little Liars, I watched this when it first came over to the UK years ago. But I had a recording issue with series two and haven't seen it since, so I'm starting again and I am desperate to catch up, seeing as, as I write this the finale revealing A is on. If I find out before I've finished watching the series' I think I might have a Pretty Little Liar induced break down!

3. If you could have any series, new or old put on Netflix, what would it be?
This is a tricky one! Probably Veronica Mars, I used to love that show and after seeing the movie a few months ago, it would be fantastic to go back and watch the series again.

4. What is your one peeve about Netflix?
This was difficult for me to come up with as I currently worship Netflix! haha. But I think the most annoying thing for me is that America has so much more choice compared to the UK Netflix, I need more!!

5. What are your essentials for a perfect night in with Netflix?
My essentials have to be my duvet, comfy pyjamas and snacks! Especially a big bowl of popcorn!

6. Recommend one series or film for someone else.
Just one!! Although I haven't watched it on Netflix, the thought of now being able to watch it whenever I like though is music to my ears. But its got to be Suits! I dare you to watch a few episodes and not love Harvey Spector. Don't even get me started on Donna and Louis Litt too!

7. Name a series on Netflix that you keep meaning to watch, but haven't.
Ive been meaning to watch American Horror Story for so long now, but I just keep putting it off. Theres always something else that catches my eye and I tell myself I'll watch AHS another time. I really should just start watching it after my Pretty Little Liars binge.

7. Did you discover anything awesome because of Netflix?
I cant really say that Ive delved into the world of Netflix properly yet, I've mainly stuck with shows I've already heard about or have been meaning to watch. Something I saw recently though was an old  BBC comedy mini series, called Vexed. Which my mum used to watch and she's said its really funny, so I think thats going to be added to the list!

I wasn't 100% sure on who to tag, but if you want to do the tag then I tag you! I want to see what other things on Netflix I should be watching! I also tag Lauren from Beauty Division, Andrew from Beauty and the Boy & Caitlin from Through the Mirror too.

Eloise x


  1. Really good tag, I'm currently halfway through The Office on Netflix and its the best show I've ever watched x

    Lucy |

    1. I've never seen The Office, but my mum used to watch it and loved it. I think I'll need to watch it, it seems like one of those classics almost!

      Eloise x

  2. Isn't Netflix just the greatest thing ever?! I'm currently watching Glee.

    I hope no one spoils PLL for you! You might have to stay off the internet for a few days. :P

    Daniella | Freshly Pressed Beauty

    1. It's fantastic! Though I'm turning into a real tv addict now haha, I need to catch up on Glee! I think I might of seen the spoilers, I'm trying to mentally block them out! haha

      Eloise x

  3. Its so true! you can't not love Donna!!! haha This is such a fun tag might cheat like you and do it as well!!

    1. Team Donna!! Definitely do it! I tag you!

      Eloise x

  4. This tag would be so fun to do, I've been hooked to netflix all summer x

    Lauren xx

    1. It's so addictive! I'd love to read it if you do, I tag you!

      Eloise x

  5. I absolutely love pretty little liars, even though you probably know who A is. You will still be hooked on it!

    Lust For Beauty

  6. I love Gossip Girl, PLL and Suits too - Donna is my favourite, she's such a brilliant character! I've been meaning to start AHS too, everyone keeps telling me to but I think I will soon as Gaga's going to be on it. I'd also really recommend Orange is the New Black! x

    Zoƫ x


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